Feb 24, 2009


Leo is ten months old. Today he got his tenth tooth. Sharks can have thousands of teeth in their lifetime, and though only one row of teeth is exposed at a time they can have seven sets waiting in their jaws. This must mean they are in a constant state of teething; no wonder their reputation for being ornery. Their poor mothers!

Feb 17, 2009


The substitute across the hall said she was let go because of cut backs in the budget.

Feb 11, 2009


Kyra has an uncanny sense of direction that shames my own. August 6, 2006, Kyra is in the passenger seat of our car blindfolded for the sake of her birthday surprise. Oliver is ducking down back roads he's never heard of attempting to disorient the young Magellan. 

Kyra: Are we on Landon Street?
Oliver (a bit lost and in the dark, thought it said London Street): ehh....no.

Kyra: Where are we going? 
Oliver (worried that he is now lost and will be late to the airport): It's a surprise.
Kyra: Are we going to the airport? Cause it sounds like we are going to the airport.

Oliver (who is now spinning the car around in a cul de sac to redeem his cause): What do you mean sounds like we're going to the airport?
Kyra: Well, if that was Landon it means you must have just turned onto Barker, which only leads to Brick, which means we are probably going to the airport to pick up my mom! For my surprise! YAY! (blindfold still in place)

Oliver is now discouraged on many levels.

Feb 7, 2009


We don't have cable, so Rose is probably watching a documentary on Victorian England in this photo.
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Baby's first trim

Rose Talk

5:45 am, Monday, February 2, 2009

Oliver: Rosie, daddy has to go to work today.

Rose: Yours gonna see some fwends?

Oliver: Sort of.

Rose: Yours fwends has shiny teeth?

Oliver: ?

Bon Iver

That was Wisconsin! That was yesterday!

Feb 5, 2009

This was my first record. My older sister Ashley and I received a record player in 1987, other records we listened to/ danced to/ lip synced to included George Micheal's single Faith and Tiffany's Locomotion. To date I still prefer Alvin and The Chipmunks' Do You Want to Know a Secret over Paul and the boys. DOOOooWaaDOOooooo!