Apr 30, 2008


Here is a pic from last summer of my best friends Andrew and Emilee Cornetta. Andrew called me today on the phone RIGHT when I got done with work and it improved my day.

Recently Andrew tells me they have just been learning how to love each other well. One day they will be missionaries in the middle-east and I can't think of anyone else that is more fit for this call.


I am ready for the new Coldplay album. I've visited the site. Love the artwork. I have also accepted their art for my iGoogle page.

Fanatical a bit.

For a hit off their new album go here before May 5th.


I've developed a strange urge to answer the phone by saying, "WONG" the way I imagine a newspaper reporter would. This is a sentiment compliant with men are "busy" and "always trying to get to the bottom of things in a no nonsense sort of way."


Call me, maybe I'll do it.

Come to think of it, I've also been thrown off lately my men that will introduce themselves without saying "I am" before their name.

"Brian Johnson, pleased to meet you." Is that weird to you?

Gammy in Indiana

My mom came down a few weeks ago to interview for jobs here in Greenville. She had no trouble getting both of them but found that because of pension issues it would be implausible to move. This makes us sad.

Apr 27, 2008

Top 10 Rose Sayings...

The following are my favorite things Rose says on a daily basis:

10. I love Rose, You love Rose...Me love Rose.
9. Mamama ooo hotay milk...tootie tup (Bring me warm milk in my Cookie Monster Cup)
8. AAAA scee mee (Ahhh you scared me!)
7. Rose do you want to go to church to play toys? "Awwight".
6. Mamama, ahome, aseep, a pirrow, a tired!
5. i waa wazzz (I love the Wizard of Oz)
4. a talk a gammy a puter (I want to talk to grandma on the computer)
3. a beebee brudder a cwyin'!
1. A Wose's pretty house (That's Rose's pretty house.)

Apr 25, 2008


I'm excited about interning at my church. I'll be doing the best I can do serve youth and learn from our youth pastor, Dustin. I might also teach summer school.

Also have you ever missed shaving a day or two, feeling cool and GQish and then feel awkward in a professional setting all day?

I haven't.

They call me wiskas cause I'm curious like a cat.

Apr 22, 2008

La Coockaracha

okaywong has been in limbo lately. The cell phone has hit its battery wall and we have been exiled from our apartment due to "palmetto bugs"...yeah right.

Long story short: we're moving this weekend; down the street.

On another note, had a book recommended to me this week called God's Interruptions. I find that interesting.

Apr 18, 2008


Today was my mom's birthday. She's a great mom. The best thing about her is that she knows how to have fun. And when its time for a trashy celebrity magazine.

I can remember how antsy I would get when it was time to get out the door for the beach. We would get in the car and she'd say, "Wait! Don't you think we need some bottled water?" "Are you sure? We'll probably get thirsty!? I'm gonna' go get some..." And then she would remember the chips, and the fruit, and the water rafts, and the Frisbee. I don't remember getting to Lake Michigan before 2:30 but sure enough by three I would say...

"Man, would sure love some fruit!"

My mom is also a bottled water advocate. This has caused severe conflict in her world during airline travel. Her strategy is to bring the bottled water to the security check point and drink it as fast as she can before its her turn in line - while she's telling jokes to strangers. Mom doesn't seem to notice the security personnel is mad when he pulls out the bottle of water she forgot in her purse...and the swiss army knife on her key chain.

"I can't bring that?"..."Whoops!"

My mom is an original. She was eating whole foods when it wasn't cool. She got us in to teaching Rose sign language. She signed us up for baby swimming lessons. She visits the botanical gardens. She loves to go to toy stores. She ballroom dances and she's learning Spanish.

Happy Birthday Mom. I love you SO much =)

Apr 16, 2008

The Simple Life

One of the hottest church leadership books is called the simple church. Oprah says an uncluttered life is part of fulfillment. Rob Bell shares a car with his wife. The iPod has made a fortune on a simpler "one-button" design. And Jesus said we should have one master.

What is the common thread?

One of the things that our generation is getting right is the freedom of a simple life. Where members of the material age collected everything and expanded I've noticed some of my peers asking questions like:
  • How can I make this simpler?
  • How can I get by with less stuff/clutter?
  • How can I orient my life less around material and more around experience?
I think that Christ offers us a simpler life. In a world where a lifetime of experiences would likely orient our time and devotion to any number of interests or concerns or fears, Jesus invites us to take him as center.

Now ALL of my priorities - family, church, work, reading, health, fears, dreams, etc. - are all managed by ONE desire. When there is peace with God, the other things follow.


Apr 15, 2008

Back to School...

After a five day break with my newborn I'm heading back to school. 30 something more days with the seniors...let's do this.

Apr 12, 2008

Bruce Lee and the Martial Art of Waiting

Bruce Lee has always been a great hero of mine. He is strong and silent, fights smarter not harder, and he's disciplined.

During my favorite scene in Enter the Dragon we find Lee is trapped in a cave when both the entrance and exit doors close off on him. Sweating from strenuous goon fighting, we focus in on our hero's next choice. Will he scale the wall? Will he focus his chi to break through the rock wall with his fist?

Then Lee sits down and meditates.

This principle meets me at each turn of my life. With God's commissions we are constantly in assessment of what we have and don't have, what we can and cannot do etc. The answer to these questions often speak to us in a divine way.

I'm trying my best these days to engage my choices with wisdom while attacking my limitations with prayer.

Apr 11, 2008

Born to Waitress

My sister-in-law Adrienne is freakishly good at ordering multiple tasks at once. Guitar Hero, Tetris, and Columns are some of the video games that you would NEVER be able to beat her at. She is also a sick barista - running a bar at starbucks under high volume cant be a train wreck unless you have what I am calling the "task-factor".

This is why I am begging her to become a waitress at a high dollar resteraunt. Its kind of like wanting to see Nolan Ryan play dodgeball against bullies in your gym class. Adrienne would not only clean up in tips but have a great time doing it.


My dad is coming to visit us tomorrow. We are very excited - mostly for his cooking ;). Rose started calling him pee-paw today which I think is a very fitting name.

Speaking of Rose, she is falling asleep at her high chair. The four of us had a great day. Sometimes the temperature and energy levels just line up and you can just appreciate the moment for what it is. For those that we don't get to see that much we are usually poor and tired - and VERY happy.

Apr 10, 2008

Chapter 3

This is my wife, Kyra, just after labor with Leo. Is is just me or does she look suspiciously good after giving birth to another human being? Kyra is a beautiful, strong, smart and kind person. She puts her family first in everything she does. She also confronts fears and discouragements daily by depending on God. I can't tell you how many times she has told me the right thing at times when I don't have any more hope.

Today she is coming home with our new son and we're going to start a new chapter of our life. My hope is that we'll be as good of parents as ours were. I'm also reminded that there's nothing in the world more important than family; I want to make new commitments to making choices that reflect this.

Thanks to all of our friends and families for support. We LOVE you!

Apr 9, 2008

Leo Zion Wong

Leo Zion Wong was born April 8th 2008 at 6:51 pm. He weighed in at 8 pounds 3 ounces. We love him so much and are so PROUD of him. You can see all of our photos at our Google web album by clicking on the photo above.

Apr 8, 2008

Leo's Birthday

Doctor Rhana suggested an induction schedule to Kyra. With the due date rapidly approaching and Leo growing a pound a week she took her up on the offer which would most likely make Leo's birthday April 9th. We are ready.

Apr 6, 2008

The Holy Spirit

The message Steve preached this morning was timely for me.  These are my notes:
  • Old Testament Holy Spirit came on people for isolated occasions and left because of sin.
  • 400 years of silence fell on Israel with no prophesy or revelation.
  • John the Baptist's prophesy breaks the silence and comes to climax at the baptism of Jesus.
  • The Spirit is represented by oil, water, fire and a dove with branch to represent peace.
  • The Holy Spirit FULLY dwells in ALL Christians.
  • Are you accepting or neglecting the Holy Spirit?

Apr 5, 2008

Old Timey Film

Watched The Wizard of Oz twice today with Rose. To be honest, it made me a little sad that films today are so sophisticated. I loved watching the sets, costumes and cinematography.

Don't get me wrong, CGI and is appealing and no doubt cheaper but do we miss out when we insist on "realism" over imagination? Hook is the last movie I can remember with a really elaborate set and energy generated by cast instead of computer. By 2000 movies like Oz and Hook are reinvented by Moulen Rouge and Lord of the Rings.

I'll admit that these sentiments are deceptively nostalgic but I would love to see a film-maker design an epic without using CGI, flashy jump cuts and illusions. Let the camera pan out and the actors and design team remind us of an older drama.

Apr 3, 2008

Soulja Boy

My homework was to learn the dance. This is me at the pep rally.

Apr 1, 2008

Dave Ramsey

Kyra and I started reading Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover last night and learned some pretty interesting things:
  • Most millionaires don't keep credit cards.
  • Buying a new car is like buying a used one and throwing $100 out the window each week as you drive to work.
  • People that enjoy financial health simply work hard and live below their means.
What is the meaning of people wanting more than they have?