Dec 28, 2008

We got a new camera!!

A Canon Rebel XT... love it. I don't know how to use many features yet but I'm learning and looking forward to learning more. Here's one of my first shots. I'm so excited.

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Dec 23, 2008

Christmas Expectations

Much like birthdays I'm realizing that Christmas is special because of my expectations for it. My observation is that most people have higher emotional expectations for Christmas than any other day in the year as evidenced by their preparation for it.

I think this is bad.

Days are days and though it's great to have emotional harmony, it's problematic to manufacture or orchestrate these sentiments. My resolution this year is to keep my expectations that

1. I am registering Christmas as a sacred day, marking the birth of salvation.
2. It is a time of rest and reconnection with family and friends.

The rest will either be there or not. Maybe people will feel loved by the presents I get them or maybe they won't. Maybe the cookies will turn out the right way, maybe they won't. Maybe I'll feel nostalgic about the year, maybe I won't.

In all, I'll choose to remember him on Thursday and I guess Jesus will mark the day for his people the way that he wants.

Respect the Glue

I bought a bottle of super glue. It was my first personal purchase of the wonder adhesive; I am sorry I ever waited this long. So far I have fixed a favorite book, the refrigerator door, a christmas tree and ornament, a flapping shoe sole, a figurine, and earrings.

I realize two things since owning super glue.

#1 I love to fix things and I am optimistic that most things broken can be fixed. So much so that I found I will hang on to something for 5 years broken if I have hope that someday it could easily be fixed.

#2 Super Glue is not as KRAZY as older generations once convinced me. Oliver and I noted that in growing we both had experienced older male figures say gruffly to us something along the lines of "Watch yourself with that! That is strong stuff. It'll rip your skin right off!" They had the same message for us "Respect the glue!"

Dec 20, 2008


Rose's faborite show is called Sid the Science Kid. Coincidently, it is now our faborite show. How can you blame us? Check out these moves!

Dec 10, 2008

Bullet Holes

The following is a paraphrased dialogue between premarried Kyra and Oliver

Kyra: I was looking at apartments today and I couldn't find ONE apartment in Greenville for less than $500.

Oliver:  Wait - there are really NO apartments for less than $500?

Kyra: Well....there were a few but we can't live there.

Oliver:  What't wrong with them?

Kyra: Well, this onen I went to was really dangerous.

Oliver:  Dangerous?

Kyra:  Yeah, I saw this car in the parking lot and there was bullet holes in it!

Oliver:  Bullet Holes?

Kyra:  Yeah, so....

Oliver:  Wait, were they real bullet holes or the fake stickers that people put on their cars?

Kyra:  Well they were stickers but, I mean, who wants to live somewhere that the people put fake bullet holes on their car?

A Christmas Fravorite

Dec 6, 2008

Rose made a grocery list today

string cheese
cottage cheese
mac and cheese
grilled cheese
green grapes (emphasis on green "b/c gween is my fravorite")
donuts with pink "swinkles"

Dec 2, 2008

Try Try Again!

I was scared for a long time about going back into nursing. Two years ago I graduated and hit the hospital scene very naive, ready to change the world, I was going to make a difference! In alot of ways it just blew me away. I carried more than I could bear, and when you're bearing weight for someone else who is sick or in pain and placing their trust and life in your hands, its hard to forgive yourself of anything less then perfection. So many times I have rethought my occupation and asked God why in the world he called me into such a profession. I hate nursing but at the same time I can't see myself doing anything but nursing. P.S. No wonderful conclusion will be found here, just some 2:30am honesty... Anyways, I have to believe if I want to leave a mark I've got to get dirty. The alternative is staying comfy and clean and distant from the hurting. As a result of my starting experience at the hospital I've had much anxiety over going back to work. But I must give God praise for a miraculous uprooting of this anxiety. It's gone. Of course I hate interviews and the unknown still but he has healed a place in me that I had sealed up in order to not be hurt or shocked again. He is good and always will make a way if we really seek him in everything. So...
Tonight I applied for a job as a research nurse for clinical trials at Greenville Memorial's ob/gyn department. I am really hoping for this job! If you do, please pray...really. Next in line is working for Heartlife to teach cardiac patients about their conditions and monitor them while teaching them exercise for their conditions. Third in line is the local outpatient surgery center, possibly operating room, possibly pre-surgical assessment, or post-surgical recovery and discharge. 
Here I go again!