Feb 17, 2010

Sleepy Leo

Leo has always been a good sleeper. He is like his dad in this way. Upon hearing his bedtime has arrived he will without hesitation put down his current activity, find his sleepy friends...

Oversized Elmo
Oversized Diego

and trot to his bed. You will hear the sound of his crinkling diaper as her turns the corner, then, sprawling himself beneath the covers he will get in his "comfort zone": toes twittling towards the cieling, hands behind his head, eyes to the sky awaiting sleep.

The kid loves bed.

Feb 14, 2010

Caption Artist

My dad has a real talent for writing captions for family pictures. Reading his comments on the photo album below, you will catch him in rare form. I assure you most of the other work he does is much more sophisticated ;P


Feb 13, 2010

Kids R Us

Tonight our nieces (Mia and Liza) and nephew (Blake) are staying the night. It's part of a "date night" arrangement we made with Dave and Adrienne. (Thanks for giving us Valentines Day guys!) I of course was pretty much an only child (Dominic, my 1/2 brother lived in Hong Kong most of the time) so whenever there is more than like ONE kid in the house I don't know what to do with myself. I feel like I should be at Chucky Cheese.

Last time Liza stayed the night Rose came in at like 4am asking for water. When I came out Liza to the living room I turned on the light and Liza was just sitting there on the pull-out bed. Wide awake. She was just sitting there. Blinking.

Have you been up this whole time Liza?

Um I think so! (chipper as a chipmunk)

It was one of the most amazing things I've seen. She was happy as a clam at breakfast too. I have this theory developing that humans don't need sleep if their life is fun. I think its the responsibility that breeds sleepiness.

Anyway, just a thought.

As I'm writing this I can hear their little voices taking turns reading stories. They are SUCH good kids I love for Rose and Leo to look up to them (which they SO do) I always reveled in my parents attention as an only child, but I think having brothers and sisters around has some perks too ;)


Feb 11, 2010


If you wonder where I get my 'silly' from now you have an idea. This one cracks me up. My mom is a goof. Will is Ashley's boyfriend. He's not so much a goof. Do you think she caught him off guard?


Not compositionally great photos but... look at her face! What Joy! It says, "My daddy is so much fun and he loves ME!"

Feb 9, 2010

The Real Tuesday

My apologies. Sometimes I forget what day it is when I'm at home with the kids for too long! Anyways, here's the picture of the day...

This is a favorite of mine because the great memory, great colors, and the obvious cutie-pie-ness.



Feb 7, 2010


I love this one because we often play hide-and-go-seek and this is a common hiding spot. I think they favor it because they think they are fooling the world with their amazing hiding abilities. You can almost tell by Leo's toes just how tricky he thinks he's being.

Hmmmm... I don't know where they went. Do you?

The two tricksters.


Yesterday, I began clicking through old picture files. I decided this week I'm going to log/share my favorites from this past year of our common sweet-silly family life. Hope you enjoy...

Feb 5, 2010


Someone in our household might just love Activia "o-dirt" as much as Jamie Lee. He might also down them at a similar rate. He might also have had the same side effects plus a couple sharts. But I'm not naming any names here... but am posting pictures...