Mar 29, 2009

Rose Speak

A couple of new Rose creations for your delight are following...


observe in action:
1. I'm putting on my fiffle socks and babba shoes.
2. This is just my fiffle fiffer.
3. I'm just eating my diddle cookie.

Try incorporating some of these words in your vocabulary today!


Here's to a year!

Mar 19, 2009


I know its a little late but...
My maternal grandmother, Muriel Campbell Schotten, was born and raised in Northern Ireland. During the war she met and fell in love with an American G.I. Four years after the war ended he returned to marry her and bring her home to America with him.

That's our family's truest Irish link. Oh, and here is Grandma's recipe for authentic Irish Soda Bread. I made four loaves with my sister on Tuesday in memory and celebration. I love dry, crusty, not too sweet bread, this is perfection to my buds.

4 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup white flour
2 tsp baking soda
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt

mix all dry ingredients together
then mix in wet ingredients

1 egg
1/4 cup applesauce
1 stick butter
1/2 cup raisins or as to taste

continue mixing and add buttermilk to wet until proper consistency for kneading
once bread is kneaded divide into two round loaves
place in greased cake pans
slice X in the top of loaves and sprinkle with flour
cook at 350 for about 45 minutes

Mar 18, 2009

For what it's worth...

If you asked me which topic I've learned the most about during my 25 years on earth my answer would have to be "the dilemma of teenhood."

Youth Pastor stud Dustin Hughes explained today in our conversation that teens are in a right of passage of becoming an adult. He also said this passage is growing ever more foggy in an era of consumerism and post modernism.

I agree with Dustin. I also observed that for all the beef young peeps throw at you, the defiance, the insanity, the apathy, they are truly desperate. My advice to myself and others like me is to advance into their lives.

Teens need proximity.

Give them expectations. Give them boundaries. Be consistent, firm, and forgiving. But by all means, don't give them space.

Mar 15, 2009


Another convo topic we've discussed is Disney characters both in terms of appearance and character traits.

Kyra says Oliver is....

Oliver says Kyra is....

Mar 6, 2009

Pimp My Polly Pocket

One of my favorite happenings to witness in life is when a grown man sits down to play dolls with a little girl. Often the results are something like this:

Mar 2, 2009


7:00 am this morning

There's a buzzing noise coming from somewhere in the house.

The bathroom? No

The bedroom? No

Is it the water heater? dryer? garage door?

Finally, I'm in the loft upstairs..

It's just Rose

washing the walls

with my Sonicare

What were you doing at 7?

Mar 1, 2009

A No Day!

No snow this winter...until March 1!

No school for Oliver tomorrow! = No hesitation to make a snowman!

No way! Its going to be back up to 76 degrees by Saturday!

No complaints here:)