Nov 29, 2008

Rose Talk

"My want to put on my tutu cause my SO dancy"
"My see them lights on dare BUSES" (bushes)
"Does your want to make cookies or sumpin'?"
(after ten minutes of zipping up stolen cookies in a dora suitcase we're not buying @ TJ Max)...."Giddyupgiddyup let's go...."

Nov 26, 2008

Roman Rap

I wanted to share the lyrics to rap one of my freshman did for a project on ancient Rome:

This is the Roman empire
Hannibal running around setting cities on fire.
Augustus be fighting so hard trying to get his power higher.
He was doing his thing since the start of Pax Romana.

Yeah, get it, we're talkin' bout the Senate.
The branch of government that was here from the beginning.

Be patient, here comes inflation. Engineers are building the city with no hesitation.

Now Paul was a holy ghost writer
First came the gospel and then the gladiator
Peace maker followed from a dictator
Then Constantine came later

Civil war's about to start 
Patricians are coming through
Plebians need to group
to get their special needs
they form assemblies
begging for more money and telling the senate please

Democracy controls the roman empire

Nov 23, 2008


Is it wrong to peg people while examining spiritual gifts? Because we are positively confident to peg Ashlee Knight as the exhorter of all exhorters ever to exhort.  

Nov 22, 2008

Contradictory Wisdom

Which do you think is a better piece of advice:

The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and expecting different results.

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

Can't you try things the same way and expect different conditions yielding different results?

Nov 20, 2008


Sometimes we bring it on ourselves, sometime we are born into it, sometimes it is inflicted upon us, but that never changes the beauty our God can make from ashes. To him be all glory and praise forever. 

Nov 10, 2008


To me, the definition of a dysfunctional romantic relationship is when one of the members so devalues themselves, so misunderstands what they should expect from the other, that they believe they deserve a relational currency that bears value below a reasonable standard.

A quick observation: America has a dysfunctional relationship with the Apple iPod.

Most recently our family's 4 gig iPod mini  - a pure token of love and support from my college friends - has "finally" bit the digital dust; the battery will no longer hold a charge.

"c'est la vie," I told myself - remembering that my Cousin Kurt has already been through 8 pods in the same amount of time.

errrr (car brake noise - rant transition)

WAIT A MINUTE.  We were looking at the newest generation of the iPod Touch that costs between 300 and 500 dollars.  We considered this and then realized that you could buy a TV for this price.  Image if you and all your friends found this awesome TV that cost $500 dollars and then one by one they all died within the next 2 years.  C'est la vie?!

All this to say: Have you seen the new iPod Nano with Genus technology and more colors!  I guess you can just do that if you've got it like Apple. 

Nov 9, 2008

No Such Thing as "Too Early.."

This man told Rose that her rounds of "Jingle Bell Rock" in Wal-Mart were prematurely conceived, exclaiming that Christmas is yet MONTHS away. A couple of thoughts for the gentleman:

1. Christmas is next month.

2. As a teacher, Christmas is a sacred time. Because compensation is low and the tasks overwhelming, there are a few non-monetary benefits; not the least of these is the 3 week sanctum called "Christmas Break".

Some things I'm looking forward to:

1. Setting the projector up in Adrienne's living room and playing Mario Cart with the kids on a 10 foot screen.
2. Homemade Peppermint Mochas
3. An awesome gift idea for my beautiful wife: Kyra.
4. Setting up a toy train set around our fake (and very reasonably priced) Christmas tree.
5. Refuting consumerism in my life and embracing quiet reflection and thankfulness for the mercy of Jesus.

These and more make make Christmas sacred.

Nov 5, 2008

Quick Word of Warning...

Once you have children, you will find yourself saying the same things your parents always said that you promised you would never say...

I'm gonna' count to three...

Nov 3, 2008

That Little Booger

Today, Rose comes out of the bathroom and proudly announces to me that she went potty "just like a boy!". I froze for a minute trying to imagine everything that this could mean, then I slowly walked to the bathroom and asked her to explain. Her explanation involved her pulling up her dress, standing with her feet apart, and explaining to me how boys just stand up and pee!... on the floor! She was very proud. I had to (with a straight face!) tell her how everybody does pee into the potty and if it goes on the floor then thats just an accident. She put her chin down, looked at the floor and flopped her arms at her sides, "oh... okay... alwight".

Nov 2, 2008


I think you can tell from the amount of posts we made over the summer compared with the number published in the fall something about our family: we've been stankin' busy.