Apr 29, 2010

Ice Cream Monday

You have to love my cousin Kurt.

This one time I stayed at his house when he had to work the next day at Subway. He had woken up before me I had assumed to "seize the day". I wondered out to the living room to find him already showered, gazing out the window of his house in his robe, surely, envisioning great things. In his left hand he held a coffee cup.

I have to say I was impressed at how mature the whole thing looked. I'm sure Donald Trump was doing the exact same thing except NOT EATING COOKIES AND CREAM.

Seriously, one of the funniest situational laughs I've ever experienced.

Apr 25, 2010

Leo's 2!

Among these past weeks of events Leo turned two! He loves Go Diego Go so he was showered with Diego. His facial expressions throughout the night were telling and priceless.

Apr 23, 2010

Myrtle Beach

We had some surprising 80 degree weather over spring break so we set out for 3 days at Myrtle Beach.

The simple things I will remember forever or maybe just for next time: Leo hates the feeling of sand on his feet and insisted on wearing his tennis shoes the whole time. We found out that Rose is quite a beach girl, content to play in the sand and water for hours. We found a fun little pizza place that couldn't be more conducive to small children which ironically was called East of Chicago Pizza. On your way to the shore there is a welcome center that loads you up with as many coupon a couponers heart could desire. I think we went to 50 of the 100 surf shops and we finally found our fav. We took Rose to Build a Bear last year for the first time and thought this year we would let Leo try. He picked the absolute ugliest "bear?" in the whole workshop, a horned owl, whose special feature was that its head could do a complete 360. We laughed but proceeded to the line where Leo decided not to go through with it because it scared him. It was a HOOT!


Our days keep plowing on even if our computer doesn't (aka breaks down). Let's play update these next couple days by 'our life in pictures'.