Apr 9, 2009


For the last two months I have given up two parts of my average daily life: Walmart and Facebook. I didn't think these were limiting me much when I resolved to quit them. I actually thought they probably added more to my daily life then they took. Possibly adding things like convenience, creativity, ease, entertainment. I have been surprised.

Since quitting I have had to stretch just a bit. For a simple example, I had to start clipping coupons in order to shop outside of Walmart. So, not only have we been trying new foods and meals but I started buying a Sunday newspaper again and therefore have resumed reading the paper at least twice a week. Which is more than I've done in the past 3 years (I know... have two kids under 3... then cut me a break).

As far as Facebook, the other night I closed up my laptop when I was done working and read my Art History textbook from college cover to cover instead of clicking through stinking Facebook albums. Trust me, the text's pics were much classier. Another night I found myself on a "Wikipedia goose-chase" reading about Charles Darwin to Metaphysics to Aristotle to Objectivism to Renaissance Artists to Ninja Turtles.

Now, don't misunderstand my message here, I don't think the world needs to follow suit and cancel their Facebook accounts or boycott Walmart for stinking price gouging in a recession......maybe...... But seriously, it has just made me think again about what is healthy. I don't mean eat your veggies healthy. I mean realizing my time is my most precious resource. And I wonder how many other ways do I accept my time being spent in a way I wouldn't have chosen otherwise.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Yay for couponing! Kyra, you will be amazed at how much money you can save when you commit to cutting coupons and scoping the weekly sales. I'm a recent addict and have a few blogs I read on a regular basis to help with my money saving endeavors. It's a little bit of work, but totally worth it. It also seems to be feeding my innate female need to spend money...instead, I'm saving my own money and spending the manufacturers. So good!