Feb 13, 2010

Kids R Us

Tonight our nieces (Mia and Liza) and nephew (Blake) are staying the night. It's part of a "date night" arrangement we made with Dave and Adrienne. (Thanks for giving us Valentines Day guys!) I of course was pretty much an only child (Dominic, my 1/2 brother lived in Hong Kong most of the time) so whenever there is more than like ONE kid in the house I don't know what to do with myself. I feel like I should be at Chucky Cheese.

Last time Liza stayed the night Rose came in at like 4am asking for water. When I came out Liza to the living room I turned on the light and Liza was just sitting there on the pull-out bed. Wide awake. She was just sitting there. Blinking.

Have you been up this whole time Liza?

Um I think so! (chipper as a chipmunk)

It was one of the most amazing things I've seen. She was happy as a clam at breakfast too. I have this theory developing that humans don't need sleep if their life is fun. I think its the responsibility that breeds sleepiness.

Anyway, just a thought.

As I'm writing this I can hear their little voices taking turns reading stories. They are SUCH good kids I love for Rose and Leo to look up to them (which they SO do) I always reveled in my parents attention as an only child, but I think having brothers and sisters around has some perks too ;)

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