Aug 1, 2010

Gateway 2000

Member Gateway 2000? Everyone threw a FIT over the cow box thing. Thinking back it was pretty sweet. They had a cool store with geeks the Mac store today. I'm pretty sure they all came with that really realistic jeopardy game where trebeck would talk and stuff.

It was like OMG the computer is talking bawawawa! I have to admit kyra and I rented it from he library after we got married and played it nonstop one weekend in a fit if nostalgia.

And macs if course were really lame. Our high school used them exclusively about the time they all turned teal.

Remember how they would only use Netscape navigator and floppy drives and couldn't convert word documents?

Booooooooo. Wish I could say I'm not a fair-weather techy fan, but I am.

Location:Dunwoody Dr,Simpsonville,United States

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