Jul 25, 2009

Pro Tip

My cousin/best-man friend, Kurt, is funny. My favorite of his most recent word creations is "Pro Tip". It means a piece of advice from an expert. The silhouetted gizmo in the foreground of this photo is our new iPhone sent from the pro-premier: Kurt Money (K$ - ticker symbol) . Thanks Kurt.

Kurt, here are some pro-tips I have for you:
  1. Always listen to Otis Redding radio (thanks Ashlee Knight) while painting.
  2. Don't let your daughter put stickers on the wall after your first coat.
  3. Use primer, even on the ceiling.
  4. When you suspect there's a water damage in your ceiling go upstairs and check it out.
  5. When you go upstairs and check, wear gloves when your digging through the fiber glass insulation.
  6. Go to Gatty-Town afterward so the kids can run and you don't have to do dishes.
  7. Don't eat 6 slices and then eat that chocolate pizza.
  8. Only pizza restaurants trying to save money sell chocolate pizza.
  9. When the buffet attendant doesn't respond to you the first time, don't keep talking, he might not speak English.
  10. Put the cover on the kids sandbox so the neighbor cat doesn't keep pooping in it.
I know you live in L.A. and probably don't go to Gatty-town with your celeb friends, but pros need to stick together. And a pro can always learn something from another pro.


Craig said...

Do you really need to use primer on the ceiling? Seems like so much more work than you need to do.

okaywong said...

Yeah. We didn't intend to but the daggum paint started peeling on the roller on the first coat. The guy at lowes said we needed primer to calm'er down.