Aug 1, 2009


Today's my dad's birthday. I've been thinking about some of the things he's taught me through the years:
  1. Less is more; especially when it comes to your haircut.
  2. The best place to take a nap is in a movie theater.
  3. Push yourself to the limit and beyond.
  4. Exercise and read; everyday.
  5. Talk and listen to everyone, you'll probably learn something.
  6. The point of being a man is to give; not to take.
  7. Family comes first.
  8. If you can help, do it.
  9. LOVE food.
  10. Try to look at things from the other perspective.
  11. Real men tuck their shirts into their underwear.
  12. Sweating while you eat is a manly sentiment.
  13. You need a cool signature.
  14. Celebrate victory, with ice cream if available.
  15. Never eat at P.F. Chang
  16. Analyze things.
  17. Make a lot of pun jokes.
  18. If your karate gi doesn't stand up on its own, it's not ready to wash.
  19. Being up at odd hours of the night helps you to think differently, which is a good thing.
  20. Knowledge never rests, but people do ;)
Love you Dad. Happy 60.

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