Aug 27, 2009

Staying Alive. Staying Alive.

Oliver and I are taking classes with the Bair Foundation to possibly become foster parents. Our last class we met for was our CPR and First-Aide training. On this particular day we had concocted a delicious recipe for slap-happiness. Oliver had been up since 5 a.m. and spent his day in meetings and prepping for class. I had been up since 6 a.m. with Rose and Leo trying to keep good positive energy and a smile on my face while being inside all day (it was like 99 degrees out) with no car or adults to talk to. There we were at 7 p.m., no kids, CPR dummies, visions of "The Office" season 5 episode 13 dancing through our heads..... our instructor had to stop and ask what we were giggling at... twice.

Alright, sit down and stop begging, really! I'll share with you why we were giggling...

Before initiating CPR you must send for help. In class you'll recall "YOU! Go get the AED pads!" "YOU! Call 911!" with a distinct finger point and sometimes inserting an identifying prompt, "YOU in the red shirt! Go get the AED pads!"
Well, we were just imagining what different identifying prompts one might possibly say in the heat of the moment. You know, the kind of identifying characteristics that you try to act like you don't notice but can't stop looking at?
"YOU! With the unibrow! Call 911!" "YOU! with the knobby knees! Go get the AED pads!"

Got any good ones? We'll giggle for sure. Okay, if that didn't make you laugh watch this. If you still don't laugh, check your pulse...


Mo said...

oliver didn't rip the face off the dummy, did he?

Heather said...

Our friends, Krysta and Dan (, just completed their last class. They blog about foster parenting often (FAQ series) and have tons of great links...might be a good source for you guys.