Oct 12, 2009


When I (oliver) came home from work today Kyra showed me the stuffed bear she found in our closet. It's white. With heart boxer shorts. I got it for Kyra on valentines day one year. Eleven years ago!

What's even crazier is that that same year she gave me dumb and dumber on VHS.

Here's to a great past and a great future.


okaywong said...

The memory I have about that bear is that you picked it out because of the heart boxer shorts. These were significant because you used to draw me cartoons of mr Armstrong our biology teacher cast as a mad scientist who once made an appearance in his heart boxer shorts. If I think about it now he probably was more of the tighty whities type. Aaaaa age 15!

man cub said...

i miss you guys. We miss you guys. Sorry for cussing on your blog.
