Oct 13, 2009


I've not recieved much glory in my life. My nerves always got to me in basketball games. Also I've played music in front of groups before but I'm not very good.

I wanted share an outstanding moment from college with you however. We were playing dodgeball a mens retreat for campus crusade for Christ and I was the last one in on my team left in the game.

At that point the rules declared that the other team could pursue me without boundary. Around i ran from many pursuers in the tiny gym. The rules also said however that if I were able to make a shot from half-court without being hit I would free the rest of my team.

I don't know how I did it because it all happened so fast. No sooner than I released my Hail Mary I was pummled my a speed ball by my bible study leader. The shot drifted in the air for a long spell and then...Swoosh.

Glorious! Lol

1 comment:

man cub said...

bullsh*t, you are a lion, always have been