Rose is a pretty sensitive kid. For that reason and others Oliver and I have so far decided she still isn't quite ready for a storyline in movie or book with an evil antagonist. (ex:We figure we can take our time and enjoy surprising her with the 'Disney Princesses' in years to come.) Yet, the imagination and literal perception of a three-year old escapes our control. Therefore, Rose has two unsuspecting villains to fuel her fears. WARNING! THE FOLLOWING MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR THE FAINT OF HEART.

This might be my favorite post you guys have ever written. So precious and hilarious all wrapped into one! I love Rose.
Boy, have times changed! My biggest fears were the MGM fox roaring as movies started on TV, and later, the scary music for "Communism looks at Youth" television show on Sunday mornings. We only went to see movies once every 5-10 years in those pre-historic years.
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