Nov 10, 2008


To me, the definition of a dysfunctional romantic relationship is when one of the members so devalues themselves, so misunderstands what they should expect from the other, that they believe they deserve a relational currency that bears value below a reasonable standard.

A quick observation: America has a dysfunctional relationship with the Apple iPod.

Most recently our family's 4 gig iPod mini  - a pure token of love and support from my college friends - has "finally" bit the digital dust; the battery will no longer hold a charge.

"c'est la vie," I told myself - remembering that my Cousin Kurt has already been through 8 pods in the same amount of time.

errrr (car brake noise - rant transition)

WAIT A MINUTE.  We were looking at the newest generation of the iPod Touch that costs between 300 and 500 dollars.  We considered this and then realized that you could buy a TV for this price.  Image if you and all your friends found this awesome TV that cost $500 dollars and then one by one they all died within the next 2 years.  C'est la vie?!

All this to say: Have you seen the new iPod Nano with Genus technology and more colors!  I guess you can just do that if you've got it like Apple. 

1 comment:

kcwyyh said...

I wonder how much it cost to borrow a book from library and carry it around. Old fashion way to discover new things, Cost, nothing...