I once heard a comedian speculate that people wear clothes that are out of fashion because the arch of human life brings us to this pinnacle season called our "prime" and once we reach this prime we never want to leave so we keep on dressing in the style of that era even though the era is over.
I always laughed at that joke until it was on me.
The other day I went to Plato's closet and found a pair of shoes for $18 dollars that I bought no questions asked. I put these things on, and they just felt right. I was pretty pleased with myself until I approached the register and realized that the first time I bought this model of shoes was during something like my sophomore year of college.
When I got home, I looked in my closet and found the same size and style of gap jeans one after the other. My dresser is stuffed with my collection of salvation army t-shirts with pithy quotes and strange prints on them.
Am I stuck in 2004 forever? Am I okay with that?
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