Sep 16, 2008

No Room at the Inn

I'm always pretty proud of the work my father does, but am especially proud of him right now. He left this morning to fly down to Texas where he manages a large motor repair shop. What the hey does that mean?? Right now he is coordinating the repair of the large motors and generators of the Houston area and beyond that have been damaged due to the hurricane(s), these repairs are to the equipment of the major oil refineries of the south. He's managing the repair of one of America's major needs right now and moment by moment making a difference this week. He has my respect.
In my small experience as an adult... making a difference hardly looks like we ever grew up imagining it should look or feel like. It's rarely simple, comfortable, or cute. Thankfully, this story ends up a little more on the humorous side.
Tonight, my father is sleeping in a barn with no electricity with a cow, donkey, a tons of chickens, and a hog that he admits he's a little afraid of. My father may be the biggest city boy those animals will ever see and they may be the only animals my father will ever sleep next to. He is doing a good thing, making a difference, this is what it looks like. Proud of you Dad, you're the real thing.

1 comment:

Jessica Mc said...

rachel and i made your pumpking/devils food cake wonderfulness....they are wonderful