Dec 23, 2008

Christmas Expectations

Much like birthdays I'm realizing that Christmas is special because of my expectations for it. My observation is that most people have higher emotional expectations for Christmas than any other day in the year as evidenced by their preparation for it.

I think this is bad.

Days are days and though it's great to have emotional harmony, it's problematic to manufacture or orchestrate these sentiments. My resolution this year is to keep my expectations that

1. I am registering Christmas as a sacred day, marking the birth of salvation.
2. It is a time of rest and reconnection with family and friends.

The rest will either be there or not. Maybe people will feel loved by the presents I get them or maybe they won't. Maybe the cookies will turn out the right way, maybe they won't. Maybe I'll feel nostalgic about the year, maybe I won't.

In all, I'll choose to remember him on Thursday and I guess Jesus will mark the day for his people the way that he wants.

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