Dec 10, 2008

Bullet Holes

The following is a paraphrased dialogue between premarried Kyra and Oliver

Kyra: I was looking at apartments today and I couldn't find ONE apartment in Greenville for less than $500.

Oliver:  Wait - there are really NO apartments for less than $500?

Kyra: Well....there were a few but we can't live there.

Oliver:  What't wrong with them?

Kyra: Well, this onen I went to was really dangerous.

Oliver:  Dangerous?

Kyra:  Yeah, I saw this car in the parking lot and there was bullet holes in it!

Oliver:  Bullet Holes?

Kyra:  Yeah, so....

Oliver:  Wait, were they real bullet holes or the fake stickers that people put on their cars?

Kyra:  Well they were stickers but, I mean, who wants to live somewhere that the people put fake bullet holes on their car?


Jessica Mc said...

haha....i drove by your old apartment off augusta the other day...that was a cute place. my fav was the christmas lights inside

amberWIRE said...

HAHAHAAA! That is hilarious!

okaywong said...

okay okay, but i have to add that it was not one or two "bullet holes", the car was covered in these "bullet holes"! which to me is even more dangerous, but you still got me! but like jessica said i did find us a cute (safe) place!