Some have asked why Oliver and I chose the name Leo for our son:
Picture with me a man who is a little too wild, has a surprising strength, a rugged charm, a hearty laugh, he is a defender of the weak, with deep integrity, roused to anger by injustice, passionate about his work at hand, possessing a wisdom that surpasses knowledge, and all this character unable to be tamed by mens expectations or the worlds limits and you'll picture a character that Oliver and I will in short refer to each other as "a lion".
You've seen the "lion" in literature, movies, scripture, but he's hard to find as a neighbor; and if he is your neighbor he might just upset you because he's not the tamest of people. Tristan from "Legends of the Fall", Micheal from "Redeeming Love", King David of Israel, obviously the lion himself Aslan from "The Chronicles of Narnia".
We are to emulate Jesus as his followers. He is the greatest lion of all. Some how we are safest in his arms as he leads us down the wildest of paths enough to take our breath away. So.....we like the name. Leo: latin for lion. A man we love to love.
Some things I remembered we talked about concerning lions.
1. Lions understand instincts and feed no id (is this the correct Freud term) to conform these. This is why they know just when to cry, or wait, or holler, or fight.
2. Atticus Finch from To Kill A Mocking Bird is another prime example but at the same time a non-example - he is a lion who's virtue has led him to obey more social conventions. He and the true lion have the same END in mind, that is: goodness. The true lion however refuses to compromise the MEANS that being: the suit, the punctuality, and the social availability. Atticus' philosophy simply believes that stability must tame wildness on the behalf of goodness.
3. I have met only a few lions. We are always glad when they are around and we truly wish we were more lionish.
4. These are our greatest hopes for our son. Coincidentally, his name Le On means something to the order of peace from within.
Yay! I like your blog! Thanks for the link O-Dub!
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