Jun 24, 2008

Country Strong

Was listening to the Official Granger Community Church Podcast featuring the Official Dr. Bob speaking a Thursday nigh New Community.

"It's 7:28 beloved, do you know where your Bibles are?"

He shared a story about a Whitesox batter - if you're a fan he was left-handed and had an open stance and used to point at the batter while warming up.

The announcer said that he was "country strong".

Instead of city strong? replied the other announcer.

That's right. The difference between country strong and city strong is that you have to do real work for country strength. You have to bale hay, cut down trees, shovel earth, and all the other things country people do. City people can only get strong in a gym staring at the wall or with the use of chemicals. Country strength, unlike city strength stays with you forever.

I think Dr. Bob is on to something.

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