Jun 10, 2008


Apple has just announced it will release a faster and cheaper version of the Apple iPhone in July. The new phone will carry 8 Gigs and cost $199 down from $599.

My thoughts:
  1. How has a company managed to make me want something that I don't need so much?
  2. How fast is this "Every mode of information, media and data" stored in ONE device thing actually arriving?
  3. Will you buy me one?
  4. I think they choose hand models for these things because the MOST amount of people in the target audience either have hands that look like the ad or want hands that look like that ad.
    1. I frankly have neither and this guys fingernails have ALWAYS grossed me out. Anyone with me?
Myyalahooo hoooo

1 comment:

seg said...

time out ... that's a man's hand??