Apr 16, 2008

The Simple Life

One of the hottest church leadership books is called the simple church. Oprah says an uncluttered life is part of fulfillment. Rob Bell shares a car with his wife. The iPod has made a fortune on a simpler "one-button" design. And Jesus said we should have one master.

What is the common thread?

One of the things that our generation is getting right is the freedom of a simple life. Where members of the material age collected everything and expanded I've noticed some of my peers asking questions like:
  • How can I make this simpler?
  • How can I get by with less stuff/clutter?
  • How can I orient my life less around material and more around experience?
I think that Christ offers us a simpler life. In a world where a lifetime of experiences would likely orient our time and devotion to any number of interests or concerns or fears, Jesus invites us to take him as center.

Now ALL of my priorities - family, church, work, reading, health, fears, dreams, etc. - are all managed by ONE desire. When there is peace with God, the other things follow.


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