Jul 1, 2008


During a recent car ride, I asked Kyra and important question I've been thinking about. What is the most hopeful thing you've ever witnessed? She replied with, "birth". Mine was the same.

Conversely, the darkest thing I've ever witnessed was in China. We were were catching a cab in a busy square where children were begging for money. Dad explained to me that the reason they were all crippled was because they were abducted at a young age beaten on purpose to invoke sympathy from passer-by's.

Our capacity for hope or doubt is fundamentally rooted in our most hopeful and dark experiences. We only understand Psalm 23's "valley of the shadow of death" with references from our life. Perhaps for a sheltered person like myself this darkness is not as great as it could be. Conversely again, my capacity for hope bears witness of my experience of hope. So our concepts of Heaven and Hell are limited by what we can imagine and what we can imagine is at least leashed by what we've seen.

What is your most hopeful experience?

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