Jul 19, 2008

I Wonder...

Maybe the most important statement for a student is: "I wonder...". It implies motivation to learn and both an expression of the known and the vicinity of something soon to be discovered.

Students of all ages are intimidated by the assessment questions that start: "What is..." This type of question of course usually demands a correct and definitive response that expresses understanding. To get there we have to start with "I Wonder..."

"I wonder what happens when a lot of people lose their job at the same time..."

"People become poor"

"Maybe what else?"

"People lose hope."

"What do YOU think, is that the case?"

This sort of dialogue creates space for students to explore what they know and find shelves in their understanding to place things they are about to find out. This process shouldn't be rushed so students can really soak in what they already know and develop curiosity about what they are learning.

In short, I think wondering is a powerful thing.

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