Jul 17, 2008

Top 10 Albums

When our friends visited, we spent some time deliberating about our favorite ten albums. Let me qualify that this means that the album must have some holistic quality from start to finish. Our conclusions not in order.

  1. Third Eye Blind - Title Album
  2. Damien Rice - O
  3. Ryan Adams - Gold
  4. Lauryn Hill - the Miseducation of Lauryn Hill
  5. Postal Service - Give Up
  6. Dave Matthews Band - Before These Crowded Streets
  7. Sigur Ros - Untitled
  8. U2 - Joshua Tree
  9. Worship Circle - First Circle
  10. Death Cab - Plans
The trick is that even though an artist might be really good like say, John Mayer, he simply doesn't have an album that hits it out of the park from start to finish. Can you think of any others?


Unknown said...

Josh Ritter- The Historical Conquests of Josh Ritter


I would have put up Heartbreaker not Gold for Ryan Adams, but I may just be partial to that album....

and no list of music of mine would be complete without
Ani Difranco- Living in Clip

Ashlee Knight said...

death cab- plans. for sure.

seg said...

a rush of blood to the head.
coldplay :)