Jul 7, 2008

Pennies from Heaven

I'll just come right out and say it... last night Rose swallowed a penny.
While my sister Ashley and I were making coffee Rose walked up to us with red-rimmed eyes. After some length of serious questioning with no answers ("Rose are you okay!? Did you put something in your mouth? Rose what is in your mouth!?") I decided to play it casual,
"Rose, whatcha doin?" I said as cool and seemingly playful as I could.
"Where penny go?" Rose giggled.
I'll tell you my blog reader friends "where penny go", it go down a toddlers throat, into her belly, then out to an Elmo potty chair, into a sink of warm soapy water, into a mamma's pocket and then a Walmart cash register.
The moral of this story is money is dirty, so don't put it in your mouth.


Jessica Mc said...

im glad rose got a good giggle out of it..haha

Unknown said...

You washed that penny- I'm pretty sure that Wal-mart doesn't usually get such kind treatment :)

Emilee said...

i did that exact same thing when i was rose's age (i swear). i think we're kindred spirits.

okaywong said...

really i didnt wash the penny or spend it, its final resting place is greenville sewer system but i thought it was a better ending, but how true about the pennies at walmart, so the lessons remains the same.

Anonymous said...

That's a great story about how to get info out of Rosie. She told you what was in her mind, didn't she?

Shall I assume you now have internet hooked up?